"ReeF" <ree### [at] netscapenet> wrote in news:3c0d5e81@news.povray.org:
> Is it possible to use a background bitmap in POV? I can only find
> documentation for background colour etc
It is possible to do this in camera in Pov with a minimum of hassle only in
situations where you can determine the exact extents of the camera
viewport. In situations where you can do this, just put an image_mapped
plane or polygon behind the other objects in your scene.
If you can't easily determine the extents of the viewport (e.g. because the
camera isn't axially aligned, has a non-standard angle or isn't perspective
or othographic), by far the best option is to render to with alpha and
composite the background after rendering.
It is possible to composite images in Pov if you can't use or don't have a
suitable image editor.
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