POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : ltiff.so can't be found on installed POV-Ray 3.5 : Re: ltiff.so can't be found on installed POV-Ray 3.5 Server Time
23 Dec 2024 12:36:24 EST (-0500)
  Re: ltiff.so can't be found on installed POV-Ray 3.5  
From: Dennis Clarke
Date: 22 Apr 2003 00:38:14
Message: <Pine.GSO.4.53.0304220036310.3641@blastwave>
On Mon, 21 Apr 2003, Warp wrote:
>  There's something odd with libtiff anyways, so you might want to link
>libtiff.a statically into the povray binary (this is what I have to do
>every time I compile POV-Ray for Solaris).
>  That is, in the linking command replace "-ltiff" with
>  By the way, if you write "echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH" what does it say?
No need to link statically :

ldd src/povray_64bit
        libtiff.so =>    /opt/csw/lib/sparcv9/libtiff.so
        libjpeg.so.62 =>         /opt/csw/lib/sparcv9/libjpeg.so.62
        libpng.so.3 =>   /opt/csw/lib/sparcv9/libpng.so.3
        libz.so.1 =>     /usr/lib/sparcv9/libz.so.1

ldd src/povray
        libtiff.so =>    /opt/csw/lib/libtiff.so
        libjpeg.so.62 =>         /opt/csw/lib/libjpeg.so.62
        libpng.so.3 =>   /opt/csw/lib/libpng.so.3
        libz.so.1 =>     /usr/lib/libz.so.1


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