POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : jpeg_pov.o : Re: jpeg_pov.o Server Time
23 Dec 2024 13:38:48 EST (-0500)
  Re: jpeg_pov.o  
From: Dennis Clarke
Date: 18 Apr 2003 06:46:15
Message: <Pine.GSO.4.53.0304180640070.11053@blastwave>
You're doing this for Sun Solaris right?

  You should not need to do anything fancy with LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  That will
  only help you during runtime if your libraries are in strange non-standard
  places.  The simple thing to do is :

  1 ) go get the source code for the latest jpeg libs, and get png and zlib
      and tiff while you're at it.  Compile them all in a directory called
      povray-3.50c/src/lib/png povray-3.50c/src/lib/jpeg etc etc.  Then ensure
      that the linker knows where these guys are with the correct linker
      option like -R~foo/povray-3.50c/src/lib/bar

  2 ) Go to http://www.blastwave.org and get the complete package for Solaris.
      Unless you have the Forte 6 Update 2 compiler set and all the slick
      development tools then your home-built version of POV-Ray will never be
      particularly fast.  It has been well demonstrated in the past that gcc
      just simply can not create binaries that are as effectively optimized
      as the Sun/Forte compilers.

  Dennis Clarke
  dcl### [at] blastwaveorg

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