POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unix : 64-bit version of POV-Ray 3.50c is bigger, slower, and still not mt : Re: 64-bit version of POV-Ray 3.50c is bigger, slower, and still not mt Server Time
23 Dec 2024 13:29:22 EST (-0500)
  Re: 64-bit version of POV-Ray 3.50c is bigger, slower, and still not mt  
From: Dennis Clarke
Date: 16 Apr 2003 19:21:04
Message: <Pine.GSO.4.53.0304161903360.23914@blastwave>
On Tue, 15 Apr 2003, Warp wrote:
>Dennis Clarke <dcl### [at] blastwaveorg> wrote:
>> the 64-bit version was a little slower ...
>  As I explained in the other thread... :)

  yes .. but a 5% difference is no big deal in speed for the ability to use
more ram.  Sun servers, unlike the intel world, commonly have greater than 4Gb
of RAM and 16Gb to 32Gb of RAM is no big deal out of the box for a V880 with
eight CPUs.  I plan to test POV-Ray with a large render on such a machine.  At
the moment I am choked back to 8Gb of RAM in a 280R with dual 900MHz
processors.  What I need now is a scene file with a LOT of very simple
objects, like spheres and cubes, that will chew up all that RAM.  Should make
for a large test.


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