In article <cja### [at] netplexaussieorg>,
cja### [at] earthlinknet says...
> In article <3f971c0a$1@news.povray.org>,
> "Hughes, B." <omn### [at] charternet> wrote:
> > I had thought this might be something already done by someone before but I
> > sure can't locate anything concerning a isosurface flower. I suppose I'm
> > thinking of meshes.
> I did this a *long* time ago, when I was first playing around with
> isosurfaces. It was basically an extremely distorted sphere function,
> and looked a bit like a fat rose. A mesh certainly seems like a better
> choice, however.
In theory:
However, since they don't actually provide the equations for it, but
simply assume you know how to derive it from the 2D calcs in:
It isn't very helpful. Especially since I can't figure out what 'a' needs
to be or do to make Rose calcs work right either....
In my case I am trying to do something like:
N = 5 * rnd
vdelta = 2 * PI * rnd
vector = a * sin(N * vdelta)
X = cos(vector) * 30
Y = sin(vector) * 30
The problem is all I get is a dang circle... It is driving me batty. If
it was for something in POV, it would be driving me even more nuts. But
man would the StarrRose make a real nice Isosurface. Sigh...
void main () {
call functional_code()
call crash_windows();
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