In article <3f25a5fe.128368143@news.povray.org>, mca### [at] aolcom (S
McAvoy) says...
> On Mon, 28 Jul 2003 15:10:50 -0700, Patrick Elliott <sha### [at] hotmailcom>
> wrote:
> >1. Is there anything out there that will do what TMPGEnc won't and
> >compress PNG into an MPEG stream? If not, then >
> >
> My copy of TMPGEnc 2.5 converts Pov created png's to mpg
Odd.. That is the one I just downloaded. It doesn't list PNG as a valid
file type in the input box. It also generates and error when it tries to
read one you enter manually. Unless you are using the Pro version or
something and it has extra support of formats or there is some sort of
plugin for it....
In any case, it seems the person that answered me on the forum for
TMPGEnc misinterpreted what I said initially. For some reason any
'serious' attempt by me to explain things and make suggestions causes
this to happen. lol Turns out you can use something called AviSynth to do
this, or AviSynth combined with one called VirtualDubMod.
VirtualDubMod appears to let you edit and tweak the 'stream' before
encoding. This includes changing the frame rate, etc. Something that
kind of bugs me about TMPGEnc anyway, since I would love to be able to
tell it 'this video should be more or less 2 minutes long' and have it
set the correct frame rate to make it that long.
AviSynth though appears to work like a codec, only it runs a script that
will process each frame as needed, I.e. converting from PNG to something
TMPGEnc or players understand for each frame. The nice thing about this
is you could probably write an include that could automatically generate
the script needed to either play back the existing images through a media
player, without encoding them to MPEG, or to feed them to TMPGEnc in
order to perform the encoding.
The links are:
I still think my Rube Goldberg Syndrome is all too real when dealing with
POV-Ray though. ;) lol
void main () {
call functional_code()
call crash_windows();
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