In article <3bd46719$1@news.povray.org>, Tin### [at] hotmailcom
> lighting gets faded, but as an equally illuminated object gets further from
> the camera, it does not fade (which in reality, it should if direct light
> gets attenuated, then so should indirect,
No, this is not true. Just look at the Moon. It has roughly the same
brightness as a landscape in daylight has.
The reason objects further away from a lightsource are less illuminated
then those near it, is NOT that the brightness of the lightsource
decreases over distance (this is only possible if there really is some
absorbing media in between), but because the area (in degrees^2) it
occupies when viewed from the object is smaller.
The light attenuation in Pov is only necessary because raytraced
lightsources are infinitly small.
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