In article <3b6d28f6$1@news.povray.org>, Simen Kvaal says...
> Here's a simulation of a wave-packet in two dimensions scattered from a
> potential resembling a wall with a slit, very much like the famous
> diffraction-experiments seen with electron beams. This is kind of a test
> rendering; initial conditions are like kind of arbitrary. I am working on a
> visualization project at the University of Oslo, and this is some of the
> work I am doing there.
> I used the Leapfrog-Algorithm in C++ to simuate the wave-function on a
> 200x200-grid of doubles. The output is hundreds of PPM-files used as
> height-fields.
> Comments are welcome! What can be done to perhaps make it even more
> illustrating? As for now, I am quite happy with the texture of the wave, but
> as I said, comments/suggestions are welcome! :)
What happens after the reflection that makes the energy seem to break up
in small parts the size of the grid squares?
On the whole it is great: makes the quantum theory a little 'visible' to
the layman. :)
Regards, Sander
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