On Mon, 24 Jul 2000 16:04:45 -0400, Serge LAROCQUE wrote...
> 1. You define the lengths of the members
> 2. You provide an input angle for the member on the left
> 3. The angle for the member on the right is calculated
> 4. The angle for the middle member can be calculated next
> 5. Translate and rotate the members
I suppose it may be worth pointing out to any pedants out there that
there are indeed four bars in the animation, one of them just happens to
be invisible and connects the two pivots made from a cylinder and sphere.
The only reason I know this is because I watched an Open University (UK
home study university) program on 4 bar linkages, which is a mildly odd
thing to do, given that I'm a marine biologist...
Oh, and the animation is quite nice, but I'd have liked to see a slightly
bigger range of movement covered.
Bye for now,
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