POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Animation software? : Re: Animation software? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:16:33 EST (-0500)
  Re: Animation software?  
From: Fidel viegas
Date: 10 Dec 2002 12:02:37
Message: <BA1BCD50.7F1A%fidel.viegas@artrecognition.co.uk>
in article chr### [at] netplexaussieorg, Christopher
James Huff at chr### [at] maccom wrote on 10/12/02 1:07 am:

> In article <BA1AE7A5.7EAB%fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk>,
> Fidel viegas <fid### [at] artrecognitioncouk> wrote:
>> If you are using a Mac, you can create movies straight from povray sources.
>> That is, povray for mac allows you to choose the compilation of movies
>> instead of sequences of images.
> The drawback of this is that you don't know what the results are going
> to be until the render is done, and then you don't have the original
> uncompressed frames to work from, so you have to rerender if the
> compression settings don't work out.

Yes, but for quick renderings it is very useful. I usually use Adobe
Premiere or Final Cut Pro to put the frames together, but when I want to see
something quickly just render the movie as .mov file.

By the way, do you know of any good mpeg encoder for Macs?

All the best


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