POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Radiosity: status & SMP idea : Re: Radiosity: status & SMP idea Server Time
27 Dec 2024 14:16:25 EST (-0500)
  Re: Radiosity: status & SMP idea  
From: Chambers
Date: 22 Dec 2008 19:23:13
Message: <A1F05AB37FBD41F69769CA12F7AEA039@HomePC>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: clipka [mailto:nomail@nomail]
> Some serious feedback on this anyone, before it gets swamped in posts
> about
> mutexes?


From what I understand, POV does a pre-trace to precompute a sample
tree.  Then, during the actual, render, POV creates any additional
samples needed.

What if there were a way, during the pretrace, to predict where
additional samples would be needed?  If so, then all the samples could
be taken during the pretrace, with no additional sampling during the
final render, with no loss in quality.

...Ben Chambers

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