I've run across a couple of problems while rendering a few of my
scenes in the new beta. My system's a PIII 733MHz with 256MB RAM,
and I'm running POV for Windows version 3.5 beta 1 on Windows 2000.
First, I'm seeing some sort of corruption on an object using the
crackle pattern for both the pigment and normal aspects of the
texture. Specifically, there are lots of horizontal streaks
running across the surface of the object in one area of it. I
haven't seen anything like this rendering the same scene under
either version 3.1g or MegaPov 0.7 (also for Windows).
Second, I also use Chris Colefax's Galaxy include file for many of
the scenes I do, and at least some of the backgrounds it generates
have a weird seam under 3.5 beta 1. Basically, there's a randomly
curving horizontal boundary going across the whole background
starting somewhere near the middle. You can see it because the
colors in the background appear slightly different on each side.
Again, the same backgrounds didn't display this problem in either
version 3.1g or MegaPov 0.7.
Here's a link to a simple scene that demonstrates both problems I'm
And here's the code that produced that image:
#declare galaxy_seed = 15982;
#include "GALAXY.INC"
camera {
location <-20, 20, -20>
look_at <-10, 20, 3>
light_source { <-5, 20, 3> + 0.3*<10, 0, 23> + <0, 20, 0> rgb 1.0 }
#local Tex1 = texture {
pigment {
scale 1.25
color_map {
[0.00 rgb <0.00, 0.10, 0.10> ]
[0.10 rgb <0.00, 0.30, 0.30> ]
[0.50 rgb <0.20, 0.60, 0.60> ]
[1.00 rgb <0.30, 0.70, 0.70> ]
normal {
crackle 2.0
scale 1.25
finish {
reflection 0.3
specular 0.2 roughness 0.1
#local Piece1 = union {
#local NumRings=7;
#local i=0;
#while (i<NumRings)
torus {
0.9, 0.1
scale <6.25, 1.25, 6.25>
rotate z*180*i/NumRings
translate <0, 0, -9.375>
texture { Tex1 }
#local i=i+1;
#local Piece2 = sphere {
scale <7.5, 1.875, 12.5>
texture { Tex1 }
object { Piece1 }
object { Piece2 }
rotate <0, 180, 0>
rotate <0, 0, 25>
rotate <0, 15, 0>
rotate <-35, 0, 0>
translate <-5, 20, 3> + 0.3*<10, 0, 23>
If there is something that changed that would cause this behavior
that is documented somewhere, I apologize for wasting everyone's
time, but I haven't found anything yet that would explain it. If
it is a bug, I hope this will help track down the cause of it.
Michael Davis
siv### [at] mindspringcom
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