Kari Kivisalo wrote:
>The photosim feature requires one additional camera parameter:
>exposure_time. This will scale the maximum scene brightness along the
>transfer curve. There could be an automatic feature to set the exposure
>time by measuring the brigtness on certain spots on a scene just like
>in the real cameras :)
The exposure time does not only affect the brightness of the picture, but
also on the contrast. Contrast and brightness are not independent, they
are controlled by exposure time and development time (with a given
film/developer combination).
To take a picture of a high contrast subject, you have to overexpose, this
pushes the average density towards the shoulder of the density curve, to
compensate you have to develop for a shorter time.
>The scene would be rendered just once and stored
>as floats and the photosim calculations would work on the float values.
one photosim for the monitor
one photosim for the printer
one for the slide-printer
Photography: http://members.home.nl/ingoogni/
Pov-Ray : http://members.home.nl/seed7/
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