POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : First try: eroded box [png ~38k] : Re: First try: eroded box [png ~38k] Server Time
3 Nov 2024 03:03:25 EST (-0500)
  Re: First try: eroded box [png ~38k]  
From: ingo
Date: 28 Jul 2000 16:08:48
Message: <8F7FE55CBseed7@>
Christoph Hormann wrote:

>Sounds like you do not need a 3d-array for that, shouldn't it also work
>on a normal heightfield in a similar way, 

Yes/No, you can't make overhangs with a HF.
But more important, this is my first real attempt at programming something 
(besides the occasional modifying a pre-recorded-office-vba-macro). The 
DF3 format is simple but for HF's TGA's or PNG's have to be manipulated, 
not up to that yet.

>it would be similar to your
>method, but like with only two possible values (0, 1) for each voxel.

Sorry, I don't understand the "only two possible values ..." part.


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