"Rick [Kitty5]" <ric### [at] kitty5 com> writes:
> GPL is a cancerous waste pf space, its only real effect has been to stifle
> 3rd party Linux software. I don't think for one second it has stopped any
> unscrupulous developer pinching open source code for inclusion in commercial
> projects - afterall who would ever know
Well, you are wrong then.
In the short period of time I've been following the free software
world, there has been several incidents. Former employees is one way
of hearing about these things. I think the reason the incidents aren't
widely known is because the FSF has been able to settle all cases
If you don't believe me, try searching Slashdot or one of the other
big news sites for "GPL violation".
However, this is way off-topic.
Ole Laursen
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