POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Trouble defining a visible light source : Re: Trouble defining a visible light source Server Time
26 Dec 2024 19:32:54 EST (-0500)
  Re: Trouble defining a visible light source  
From: Harald Jörg
Date: 25 Nov 2021 17:51:41
Message: <874k7zsvbc.fsf@hajtower>
TheRealMorris writes:

> I'm using Povray (which is the version coming straight from the Ubuntu
> 21.10 archives) and I'm trying to define a visible light source. I found this in
> the docs for povray 3.6 here:
> http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/3.6.2/137/
> So, just for a test I copy/pasted this into my scene:
> light_source
> { <0,0,0> color 1
>   looks_like
>   { sphere
>     { <0,0,0>,0.1
>       color { rgb 1 }
>       finish { ambient 1 }
>     }
>   }
>   translate <10,20,30>
> }
> But I get this error:
> File '/home/trm/light.pov' line 91: Parse Error: No matching } in 'sphere', {
> found instead Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input.
> Line 91 is the "color { rgb 1 }" one ...
> Did something change in the syntax in version 3.7 or is the example incorrect
> (or am I missing something basic)?

The syntax of POV-Ray apparently has changed, 'color' is no longer
permitted outside a texture or pigment.  Replace

    color { rgb 1 }


    pigment { color rgb 1 }

and the scene should render.

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