Among other things, sooperFoX saw fit to write:
> I don't think the spherical shape would have *that much* of an effect.
If r is the radius of the sphere/disc and d is the distance from its center
to the camera, then the angle occupied by a disc is:
alpha = atan (r/d)
while the angle occupied by a sphere is:
beta = asin (r/d)
The smaller r/d the more similar alpha and beta are, but alpha is always
smaller than beta, and for r/d=0.5:
light_source{9+9*x,1}camera{orthographic look_at(1-y)/4angle 30location
9/4-z*4}light_source{-9*z,1}union{box{.9-z.1+x clipped_by{plane{2+y-4*x
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