bil### [at] 21cn com wrote:
> I want to render a bunch of pov files from the command line under linux
> enviorment to make a animation.attached below is my command:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> povray +I/home/jwlee/workFolder/dstPov/*.pov
> +O/home/jwlee/workFolder/dstPng/*.png +FT +W160 +H200
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> but it is reported,Possible Scene File Parser Initialization Error: Could
> not find file '/home/jwlee/workFolder/dstPov/*.pov',
> so what is the correct syntax?how to render?
> thanks very much!
make a shell script to call povray for each file maybe, something like
this (untested):
for x in *.pov
povray -i$x -d +ft -w160 -h200 -p
btw, 160 by 200 would make a portrait (taller than it is wide) pic.
You intend that?
to all the companies who wait until a large user base becomes
dependant on their freeware, then shafting said happy campers with
mandatory payment for continued usage. I spit on your grave.
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