> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mueen Nawaz [mailto:m.n### [at] ieeeorg]
> Chambers wrote:
> > So I decided to stick with Windows, and guess what? Things just
> work.
> Except a lot of those Linux apps.
And guess what? I don't miss any of them. I can't remember the last time
I needed a program to do something, did a google search, and only found a
Linux app that wouldn't run under Windows.
Fact is, for the foreseeable future, I'm writing Linux off and sticking
with Windows. It does what I want, and better than the critics give it
credit for. Over the last 10 years I've tried Linux several times, for
several reasons, and the longest I lasted with it was about two months.
It's never been worth the headaches involved, and unless something
seriously screwy happens to drive me off Windows, I doubt I'll go through
those headaches again.
But then, I'm also upgrading my computer less than I used to (says the man
who just installed a new graphics card last week, and has a new HDD being
shipped atm). I'm getting tired to "using the computer," and I'm more
interested these days in actually "using the computer to get things done."
Linux, despite the headaches, was a lot of fun when I tried it before, but
it was also a full-time hobby. I don't have time for the hobbies I
already have, so not having to worry about my OS is a bonus for me.
...Ben Chambers
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