POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Looking at font file content as mp4 : Re: Looking at font file content as mp4 Server Time
14 Mar 2025 07:10:46 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Looking at font file content as mp4  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 11 Mar 2025 06:16:07
Message: <67d00d67$1@news.povray.org>
On 3/10/25 10:02, jr wrote:
> ran into trouble straightaway (sorry).  tried with a couple of different fonts
> and keep getting a (the same) negative character width ?  (see attached)  I can
> access the first 4 pages/1024 glyphs in the font ('streetsign.ttf') ok using a
> different scene.  using yuqk a5c25dda.

Ah, guessing you didn't run as an animation? (The +kff1311 at the top of 
the boolObjPlay.pov file)

Me offering an excuse. :-) The scene should run frame 1 without using an 
animation setting. Change the line:

#local I = (frame_number-1)*CharsPerPage;


#local I = max(0,frame_number-1)*CharsPerPage;

Bill P.

Aside: The 'frame_number' is set to zero, if not running an animation - 
or if you try to render only the first frame with '+kfi1 +kff1' (+kfi2 
+kff2 works as does rendering any single frame >2)(*).

(*) Yep. The '+kfi1 +kff1' flags not working for frame 1 is quirky. On 
my list to look at it some day. I'm afraid to just change behavior 
without thinking more about why things might be set up as they are...

Aside 2: Be forewarned. I did the character image comparisons with SDL 
so the entire animation takes many hours for typically sparse BMP font 

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