On 3/9/25 05:25, jr wrote:
> ideally you'd post a scene file / ini combo too, where one only needs to change
> the name of the font. (tia :-))
My slightly cleaned up 'working files / code' attached. Unsure yet how
I'll include this code in the yuqk distribution.
Thinking aloud. There is in the posted 'Hack-Regular' and the
'LiberationMono-Regular' a few character collapses of width not seen
with 'UbuntuMono-R'. Also some character stand ins which differ between
fonts - and it isn't clear to me why of these get used as they do.
The Ubuntu font is the only one which includes the 65533 character for
code points beyond the BMP. It's interesting to me too how the fonts
differ in the one-off characters they support.
Bill P.
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Download 'determinecharacterwandh.inc.txt' (2 KB)
Download 'reducefontframes.txt' (3 KB)