Partly due running down a bug in the text{} object; partly to test
yuqk's bool_object{} pattern with multiple objects (10 text{} objects
here); I've created animations of some mono font files.
With each font I rendered an animation at 50 characters per frame for
the entire Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) of 2^16 possible characters. I
kept only those frames showing at least one supported character glyph
and I created an mp4 with those frame images at 1 per second.
The thought is maybe this is a good way to review what characters are
supported in a particular font alongside how POV-Ray is handling those
Attached is an animation of the hack-r font. It's a popular linux / unix
programmer's mono font.
Bill P.
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Download 'hackrfont.mp4.dat' (1668 KB)