On 27/02/2025 18:24, Bald Eagle wrote:
> What is probably a long while back now, I found it interesting to try and
> collect all of the different short-code signature scenes attached to forum
> members' posts, and render them to see what they looked like.
> A somewhat recent conversation with a Federal agent, and, recalling some posts
> by Chris Cason in some older threads, made me think that there's got to be a way
> to scan the entire newsgroup and collect all of the unique signature scenes.
> Maybe if someone has some sort of Javascript foo, Google foo, or some kind of
> network software / scripting that could do this, it would be a fun project to
> render all of the signatures and somehow attach the poster's forum handle, and
> possibly the message number.
> Any ideas?
> - BW
Nice project :)
I think that with a few lines of Perl(*) code, it's easy to retrieve all
the groups on a server and, for each group, the messages and for each
message extract le SDL in the signing.
The code principle could be (untested but with some comments) :
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
# https://perldoc.perl.org/Net::NNTP
use Net::NNTP;
use constant NNTP_DEBUG => 0; # 0/1
# connection to the nntp server
my $NNTPServer = Net::NNTP->new("news.povray.org",'Debug' => NNTP_DEBUG)
or die;
# retrieve newsgroup list
my $GroupsList = $NNTPServer->list()
or die "Couldn't fetch group list\n";
# for each group in the list
foreach my $ThisGroup (keys %$GroupsList) {
# informations of this newsgroup
my ($NbArticles, $first, $last) = $NNTPServer->group($ThisGroup)
or die "Can't select $ThisGroup\n";
# for each message in the group
foreach my $artnum ($first..$last) {
my $art = $NNTPServer->article($artnum) or next;
print "===== article $artnum =====\n";
print @$art;
# close and quit
print "\n--- close and quit ---\n";
——— CODE END (35 lines)
Okay. Now comes the hard part: recognizing the signature AND recognizing
that it contains SDL POV code.
Perl(*) contains powerful recognition operators (regex) but (I haven't
thought much about this) I can't see what would be significant for
signature and SDL code.
(*) : Perl, Why Perl ? because I know this language well, because it's
present by default on *nix distributions, because regexes can be
manipulated easily. But nothing prevents you from adapting it to another
language, of course.
kurtz le pirate
compagnie de la banquise
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