On 2/28/25 18:13, William F Pokorny wrote:
> Is the code smart enough to not get into a recursive 'include
> ini=rerun.ini'. descent.
The answer is, no, where a user creates something like this in an ini file:
we get recursive inclusion of the continue.ini file.
To POV-Ray's credit, in all versions of POV-Ray I have in hand, the
recursion does eventually stop and we get a vague parse error. I believe
the general recursion depth limit for including files stops things from
getting too out of control.
We can specify continue.ini on the command line - without triggering
recursive inclusion - with any of:
povray include_ini=continue.ini
povray continue.ini
povray continue
POV-Ray does not write any include_ini="continue.ini" equivalent into
the continue.ini file when it is specified on the command line. In other
words, it avoids creating a recursive inclusion of the ini file in the
saved options file.
Speaking of the create_ini= / +gi option; Unsure about the how robust it
is in v3.7, but in v3.8 versions (including yuqk) be sure it is
capturing all the settings you need to capture to re-run or continue a
render. I've never done a survey of all the options, but I know for
example, file_gamma= and display_gamma= are NOT captured with v3.8
versions and they should be.
In a few hours of testing I picked up a handful of other small details
which I've added to my documentation, but I believe the advice given
previously is mostly OK. On linux/unix at least, the continue / resume
features look to be working well with all the v3.7, v3.8 and v3.8 (yuqk)
versions I tested.
You can in fact skip using create_ini= / +gi if you are otherwise sure
options are not changing. With v3.7 this means rendering with +c. In
v3.8 versions it means rendering with +c and +cc (though +cc might not
be the smart choice where per frame render times are short).
Bill P.
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