On 2/27/25 13:12, 00face wrote:
> I am currently running my render AGAIN lol, so the rerun.ini below is the
> current one generated. If my daily driver wasn't virtualized in the cloud, I
> wouldn't be in this situation, this wouldn't be an issue. But here we are.
It happens I have a few minutes ahead of an appointment. I re-read the
entire thread - paying more attention and I see Alain suggested adding
that 'continue' string. In the linux/unix environment (and I expect
yours too) raw strings like this cause POV-Ray to look for a
'continue.ini' file.
My bet at this moment is that he is using 'Create_Ini=continue.ini' so
adding a raw 'continue' to the command line works for him(*).
Try adding, instead, the string 'rerun' the next time you try to resume
an interrupted render(*).
Aside: One of the things you mentioned was that you saw a complete last
frame in your preview window on coming back after an interruption due
some machine virtualization(**). If this is really true, it 'might' mean
POV-Ray was sent a signal that caused it to stop immediately after the
last frame was rendered - in which case it will have cleaned up the
state file. I'm unsure how the windows v3.7 version works in that case.
I believe linux/unix will see the image file and move on to the next
frame - but It's not something I've checked in a while.
(If v3.7 is otherwise working for you, I'd say stick with it. There are
differences in behavior along with a large collection of fixes, but if
you don't need the latter...)
Bill P.
(*) - FWIW. The documentation for my yuqk fork strongly discourages
specifying files without extensions unless you use 'include_ini=rerun'.
Rather than a 'rerun' string use: 'rerun.ini'. I felt there was too
much potential for confusing things to happen given how aggressively
POV-Ray tries to find valid matching .ini files. (A new +-ini flag was
added to the yuqk fork too as the command line flag version to include
ini files explicitly)
(**) - One would hope the virtualization was orderly rather that
something which completely crashes or stops POV-Ray rather than pauses
it. Is the virtualization crashing POV-Ray or do you find it in a
stopped or paused state when you resume working?
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