POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Media woes : Re: Media woes Server Time
14 Mar 2025 07:10:50 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Media woes  
From: Alain Martel
Date: 24 Feb 2025 12:05:59
Message: <67bca6f7$1@news.povray.org>
Le 2025-02-24 à 09:16, Bald Eagle a écrit :
> Following up on this, as I was debugging / rewriting one of 00face's scenes (to
> better learn about handling media myself), I ran into a curious problem where
> when I halved the unnecessarily gigantic media container, it all went black.
> After much experimenting, I determined that when the camera was inside the
> container, it all looked fine.
> When the box edge was moved in front of the camera to exclude it, the container
> looked black.
> I was in the middle of 3 other things at the time, and didn't have the
> opportunity to whittle down the complex scene to a minimum, showing the problem
> - but maybe tonight.
> Until then - can anyone speculate on a potential cause?
> Basically just a big box with scattering media and some light coming through a
> ceiling with a lot of holes.
> - BW
Does increasing the mat_trace_level help ? It defaults to 5. Try 
something like 7 or 8.

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