POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : img2mesh version 3 : img2mesh version 3 Server Time
22 Feb 2025 03:56:09 EST (-0500)
  img2mesh version 3  
From: Ilya Razmanov
Date: 19 Feb 2025 14:26:17
Message: <67b63059$1@news.povray.org>
Good news everyone:

I substantially changed my Python heightfiled to triangle mesh 
converter, img2mesh. Logically, new mesh structure had to be first to 
come to my mind, so, not surprisingly, it took more than a year. 
Surprising is rendering quality improvement - I expected it to be small 
and, actually, tried new scheme just out of curiosity. However, it 
appeared to be quite noticeable.

As an example, I attach a small rendering with source image. Source is 
small text passed through some Gaussian Blur, and I deliberately made it 
small, with font having thin diagonals, to get as many ugly artifacts as 
possible. However, they appeared to look much less ugly than I expected. 
Surely, I see facets at that one-pixel lines, but expected them to turn 
into total mess.

Surely, with bigger original it looks pretty smooth.

So, after getting such a results with POV-Ray, I had no choice but spend 
some time to change OBJ, STL and DXF exports as well, and now released a 
new version, v. 3, of img2mesh.

Some previews and explanation:


Git repository:


and release, beside sources, contain Win64 exe for lazy Windows users:


So it goes.

Ilyich the Toad

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Download 'source160x80.png' (9 KB) Download 'result160x80.png' (79 KB)

Preview of image 'source160x80.png'

Preview of image 'result160x80.png'


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