POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : Updated yuqk tarballs for Unix/Linux. a5c25dda : Re: Updated yuqk tarballs for Unix/Linux. a5c25dda Server Time
24 Feb 2025 00:28:59 EST (-0500)
  Re: Updated yuqk tarballs for Unix/Linux. a5c25dda  
From: kurtz le pirate
Date: 11 Feb 2025 11:09:46
Message: <67ab764a$1@news.povray.org>
On 10/02/2025 19:25, kurtz le pirate wrote:
> The hard part is over. I don't have time now. I'll continue later :) :)

A little bit hs, sorry.

The program works. I have created a folder "yuqk_a5c25dda" in my $HOME 
folder. Files ares :

louis@Jammy:~/yuqk_a5c25dda$ tree
├── bin
│   └── povray
├── etc
│   └── povray
│       └── 3.8
│           ├── povray.conf
│           └── povray.ini
└── share
     ├── doc
     │   └── povray-3.8
     │       ├── html
     │       └── NowShippedAsSeparate_DocAndAid_tarball
     ├── man
     │   └── man1
     │       └── povray_yuqk.1
     └── povray-3.8
         ├── icons
         ├── include
         │   ├── arraycoupleddf3s.inc
         │   ├── arrays.inc
         │   ├── arraystatistics.inc
         │   ├── cfunctions.inc
         │   ├── crystal.ttf
         │   ├── cyrvetic.ttf
         │   ├── forkversion.inc
         │   ├── functions.inc
         │   ├── math.inc
         │   ├── munctions.inc
         │   ├── povlogo.ttf
         │   ├── rand.inc
         │   ├── setidtypes.inc
         │   ├── shapes.inc
         │   ├── strings.inc
         │   ├── timrom.ttf
         │   ├── transforms.inc
         │   ├── ttffonts.cat
         │   ├── vectoranalysis.inc
         │   ├── vectors.inc
         │   └── version.inc
         ├── ini
         │   └── povray.ini
         ├── scenes
         │   ├── biscuit.pov
         │   ├── fog
         │   │   ├── Bridge.inc
         │   │   └── fog.pov
         │   └── rtr_kla.pov
         └── scripts
             ├── render_anim.sh
             ├── render_scene.sh
             ├── rerunpov.sh
             └── runpov.sh

I add "~/yuqk_a5c25dda/bin:" in the PATH variable.

Asking the version for povray, i get :

povray: cannot open the system configuration file:
/tmp/yuqk_a5c25dda/etc/povray/3.8/povray.conf: No such file or directory
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer    (see --license)
Copyright 1991-2025 Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd.
POV-Ray (yuqk) 3.8.0-x.yuqk_a5c25dda.unofficial
This is an unofficial version compiled by: louis

povray is still looking for the configuration file in the construction 
folder /tmp/yuqk_a5c25dda/...

I think I'd have to re-run "make install" with my folder as the target, 
but I can't see (or I didn't understand) how to do that.

Any help ?

kurtz le pirate
compagnie de la banquise

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