Le 2025-01-20 à 19:15, segasai a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've been using povray successfully over the years for various scientific
> renders. And now I've hit an issue that I am not able to solve.
> Basically my scene consists of various media with emission, absorption.
> On top of that I add a large number of spheres defined as
> #macro Star(Xx,Yy,Zz,Rr,Vr,Vg,Vb, Amb, Diff)
> sphere { <Xx, Yy, Zz>, Rr
> texture {
> pigment {color rgb <Vr,Vg,Vb>}
> finish {
> ambient Amb
> diffuse Diff
> }
> }
> }
> And I basically notice that when the number of those spheres in my scene from
> the file is >~ 149000, suddenly half of my image is rendered blank. (if the
> number is below 149000, everything is rendered fine)
> Clearly I'm hitting some kind of a limit. I tried to find an option to increase
> to still render this, but was unsuccessful.
> I am using povray (from ubuntu).
> are there any suggestions to deal with this ?
> Thank you in advance,
> Sergey
I'm assuming that as they are all stars, they are all self illuminating.
Try this :
#default finish{diffuse 0 ambient 0 emission 1}
and don't use finish when creating the spheres. OR, use the finish only
to set the emission value.
Need to use version 3.8. While it's still in beta, it's still very stable.
Can you sort your spheres by colour ?
Is so, bundle the sphere sharing the same colours in an union and apply
that colour to the union.
You can pass vectors to a macro. So, you can change it to :
#macro Star(Position,Rr,Colour, Amb, Diff)
sphere { Position, Rr
texture {
pigment {color rgb Colour}
finish {
ambient Amb
diffuse Diff
Does moving the camera around a circle change what you see ?
If yes, you may have a range of values that is to large, leading to a
catastrophic loss of precision. When the coordinate of an object get to
large, that object tend to disappear.
You may want to switch to a larger unit for the positions.
Try working in parsec.
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