On 24.12.2024 18:03, Bald Eagle wrote:
> So what you do is this:
> #if (input_file_name = "MySceneFile.inc")
> Camera
> Lights
> whatever else
> #end
> Then rest of your scene is _just_ the include file.
Well, don't quite like this solution since it's not immune to simple
file rename. But I started to think (yes, following comrade major
scheme) and eventually and inevitably came to conclusion that
#declare extension = substr(input_file_name, strlen(input_file_name) - 3, 4)
#debug extension
shows me
and even subsequent
#if (extension = ".pov")
#debug "Match!\n"
says "Match!"
Combining it with your suggestion, I guess I can produce files that work
as a whole scene when they are .pov, and as include after renaming to .inc
But this is not confirmed experimentally yet ;-)
Ilyich the Toad
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