Le 2024-12-17 à 08:31, gulino a écrit :
>> From: antoine
> where exactly do I put this? I tried to write +a0.01 +am2 +r3 in the .pov file
> but it gave an error
Those are Command Line parameters.
You don't write «+a0.01 +am2 +r3» in the scene file itself. You write it
in the «Command line» box located right from the resolution Drop list.
>> From: Alain Martel
> I didn't do anything, I downloaded povray yesterday and it was already like this
> when I tested the example models. The resolution is 512 x 384, is this normal?
> Can I change this?
That resolution, [512x384, No AA], is the one selected by default when
you render your first scene. You can easily change it. Just click on it
and select the resolution that you want to use.
The one just under is [512x384, AA 0.3]. The «AA 0.3» mean antialias
enabled with threshold set at 0.3.
On Windows ? Look at the line just above the editor, all the way to the
left. That's a drop list from where you can select carious resolutions
and enable AA.
You can change it's content by editing the quickres.ini file. From the
menu bar : Tools|Edit resolution INI file.
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