On 11/22/24 16:07, William F Pokorny wrote:
> Aside: In addition to the 'tiling' pattern (implementing 27 sub-tiling-
> patterns), There is too 'pavement' with a great many possibilities (112
> base arrangements IIRC - plus exterior, interior and form treatments
> thereof). I think it a bit harder to understand and use than is tiling,
> but it's cool too.
Attaching an image of a pavement based isosurface 'height field'.
#declare Fn00 = function {
pattern {
ip_sides 3 // The ip_* values are the defaults
ip_tiles 1
ip_pattern 1
ip_exterior 0
ip_interior 0
ip_form 0
cubic_wave phase -1/2 poly_wave 15 frequency 1
#declare Fn01 = function (x,y,z) { // isosurface function
There are yuqk particulars above, but the core pavement pattern is
what's in POV-Ray.
Bill P.
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