On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 14:32:26 -0500, "Corey Woodworth" <cdw### [at] mpinet net> wrote:
> Is there a way I can give the
> floor a no_image tag or something similar but still let shadows be cast on
> it.
Try this:
1. Create plane/background as object in variable.
2. Create your model as object in variable.
3. Trace grid of rays:
- resolution of grid (grid_res) is small becouse makes smoothness/accuracy
of edges in shadow
- whole grid contains all vertices of bounding box of your model
- everyt ray start from light_source and goes along grid
- test intersection of ray with model
4. For every succesful intersection in point 3 test intersection of the same
ray with your background object
5. For every succesful intersection in point 4 create disc with
- center at intersection point
- normal at intersection point
- radius = grid_res / sqrt(2)
- material as in background object
Tell me if it works, I never tested.
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