POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : New Earth Station : Re: New Earth Station Server Time
2 May 2024 21:21:04 EDT (-0400)
  Re: New Earth Station  
From: Hj  Malthaner
Date: 11 Jan 2021 19:01:53
Message: <5ffce6f1@news.povray.org>
On 1/11/21 8:57 PM, green wrote:

> a question, a point, and an opinion;
> the question is, how did you make the diffraction spikes on the stars, if i may
> ask.

In this scene I must admit, the stars are a bitmap (image_map).

Meanwhile I have a solution that works fully inside povray but I didn't 
update the scene yet. I've attached an example that uses the real stars. 
It actually places a good number of star shaped objects so that the 
spikes are properly aligned. The star object is simple:

   scale <1, ELONGATION, 1>


   #local n = 0;
   #while (n < 4)
       rotate <n * 360/4, 0, 0>

     #local n = n + 1;

With a color gradient that fades along the rays so the core is bright 
and the tips are dim, these look quite nice. Povray can handle hundreds 
of them without troubles.

> the point i want to make is, you can see the shadows of the space station and
> two spacecraft on the planet below.  i am pretty sure you do not want that to
> happen.

Yes. But the planet is too close and small ... to get this right I'll 
have to make the planet much bigger and realign planet moon station and 
the flying shuttles. Was too much effort for the old scene, so I just 
tried to move the shadow to a place where it didn't disturb too much.

> the opinion is, the composition would look nicer if the light source was off to
> the side.  the shadows on the space station would be more dramatic, also the two
> planets.  crescent moons are more interesting than full moons, i think.  it
> would automatically take care of the space station shadow too.

I agree. Within the constraints of the scene both sun from left and sun 
from right didn't work well, but in general you are right, the light 
should come more from the side to give stronger contrast between lit and 
shadow sides.

I'll keep this in mind though when I come back to update the scene more.

Some of my PovRay works:

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