POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Normal documentation images. Quilted. : Re: Normal documentation images. Quilted. Server Time
15 May 2024 11:32:20 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Normal documentation images. Quilted.  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 19 Oct 2020 09:50:38
Message: <5f8d99ae$1@news.povray.org>
On 10/18/20 9:34 AM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
>> I keep thrashing around on what to do fix wise with the true quilted
>> normal pattern...
>> One of the weird things with the existing implementation is the x,y,z
>> coordinates in the unit cube are all, always used in a distance from
>> unit cube center calculation. This meant the quilt_cubic function was
>> getting an over all range of values from 0 to 0.867.
> Yes.  None of the vector components ever exceeded +/-0.5, and so
> sqrt( pow(x,2) + pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) ) =
> sqrt (0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25) =
> sqrt (0.75) =
> 0.866025404
> However, you're omitting the fact that the end result of the calculations was
> them multiplied by 1/(sqrt(3/4) = 1.154700538
> and 0.866025404 * 1.154700538 = 1.0

Yes. I wasn't clear I was talking about the input range to the 
quilt_cubic there. FWIW - the output range actually peaks out at about 
1.03 and this one cause of the normal flipping which currently sometimes 

>> However, at any given face position in the unit cube the range of values
>> fed to quilt_cubic was in fact a sub range of the 0 to 0.867 range. At
>> the unit face it was 0.5 to 0.867 (values delta of 0.367). At face
>> positions moving inward toward 0.0 the delta range moved and increased
>> in size (to 0.707 on the floor).

Dang, dang, dang... That parenthetical should have read: (to 0.707 at 
the mid point between the floor and ceiling).

> Because at N = 0, one of the vector components was always 0, and so the equation
> would then be
> sqrt (0.25 + 0.25 + 0) =
> sqrt (0.5) =
> 0.707106781
> This is the reason why in my initial coding, I instead used a function
> incorporating min(max( QX2(x), max(QY2(y), QZ2(z)) ), 0)
> (the equation for an isosurface cube)
> The idea of course being that such a method should give a constant 1.0 along the
> entire surface of any given face.

Yes, this idea similar to the approach I took with my 2D axis projection 
option. I decoupled the other two axises too in running quilt_cubic 
twice for each projection. This is the option that looks less quilted 
but which is more flexible with respect to effects.

>> We could go a different way for a fix. One which implements the
>> previous, unit cube centered, face results by default, but which now
>> offers an offset keyword. The offset would let users slide a 0.367 delta
>> value range around as fed to the quilt_cubic function. Sort of a left /
>> right slider for the posted quilt_cubic curves. (Back to the function's
>> curves having meaning...)
> Not sure where that comes from:
> (0.367....  0.160?   0.867-0.707?
> 0.866025404−0.707106781 = 0.158918623)

The minimum value at any full (+-0.5) face is 0.5. Given the max in the 
corners is 0.867 the range is 0.367. (And why did I use 0.867 - it 
really is 0.866...)

>> This offset keyword would allow users having existing scenes at face
>> positions not on the full unit cube to achieve a previous result (in
>> conjunction with bump magnitude) - at least where it wasn't previously
>> some corrupt, partly inverted result.
> Since I got lost and I don't understand, this would be something different that
> simply translating the pigment pattern by some amount would _not_ fix? 

Likely my miss-step on the parenthetical comment didn't help you - or 
anyone understand. Remember too. I'm talking 'only' about the true 
normal implementation.

Well lying a little, I might occasionally make mention of the "value for 
map" form  , but with povr I plan to drop the value based version of the 
pattern for normal maps, pigment maps whatever. I've not spent a lot of 
time with that method though some time with possible replacements.

>> Aside: The thrashing here gets back to an early question of Bald
>> Eagle's. Why not calculate 0-1 face input values for a Bezier curve
>> where the user specifies both end points in addition to the control
>> points. It looks to me like this was closer to the form of the original
>> internal equation; later simplified.
> I'm still confused about a number of points, the most basic and direct is the
> graphing of the internal quilted function results vs the documentation graphs.

I don't know what was up with those graphs either. They do not really 
line up directly with what's actually going on that I can see.

Let me grab a cup of coffee and review the value for map version again.

I'll still delete the quilted value pattern for povr, but thinking now 
maybe I will create an f_quilted() or F_quilted() inbuilt with a forced 
x,y oz z axis specification. Or maybe an F_quilted() similar to F_dents().

Anyway. What's there for the 'value for map' quilted is really a 
quilt_cubic() shaped spherical pattern. One where the user doesn't 
really know the input values for quilt_cubic() or the response curves 
given the control values...

>> Today suppose, that form of 'quilted_cubic' would better be an inbuilt
>> function. Users could do what ever they wanted with it. Maybe I'll play
>> with that too. Could be done with a spline based function, but a limited
>> inbuilt should be quite a bit faster.
> Have not been able to invest the uninterrupted and focused time to see where the
> interpretation of the quilted function went wrong, or any of that.
> But with regard to using a bicubic spline, that is how I got my function to
> exhibit the "inflection point" that the documentation graphs show (It's just a
> flat tangent=0 point).  Actually having a function that allowed a true
> inflection point would be interesting - then a tile could have a groove around
> the edge, like some cutting boards do.

Yes, something with more control might be good too, but when I start to 
think of complex patterns, I start to think those best left to user 

Let me read your second post from yesterday on this topic.

 > Yeah, you/I should play around with PREmultiplying that by 1.15....

Yes, normalizing the input to a 0-0.5 or 0-1 range in some fashion an

However, I've played with this a little with this idea for the true 
normal version. To my eye the results don't look as good or varied as 
partial ranges. In fact I wonder if the sub range positioning might have 
been left as it is because the quilt_cubic output functions differ more 
over the range 0.5-0.866 for any given set of input control points.

 > We discussed this and I think for this application
 > #declare FLOOR = function (T) {floor (abs(T))}
 > is the kind of thing that is intended.
 > So to keep it simple I just do
 > #declare ValueX = function (X) {abs(X)-floor(abs(X))-0.5}

Agree and this would I believe be one approach to eliminating the 
negative axis value bias problem of the original. But passing the major 
normal axis through or forcing the selection of the major axis and using 
just the other two coordinates works too and this what my approaches 
currently do.

 > Given that the function {quilted ....} just gives a sort of
 > flattened U, I'm wondering if there might not be a simpler way
 > to achieve THAT shape, since I think whatever the (unlabeled)
 > graphs were trying to convey were misleading.

Yes, likely. In povr we have another quilted option in the inbuilt 
f_agate() if you remember but one where the "stitch" is always V shaped 
(as are most of today's actual quilted results if we're honest).

Lastly, some extremely subtle and obscure pondering/rambling. The wave 
shaping code for patterns of the 'value for map variety' was added at 
some point in time. Further negative values flip "by code comments at 
least" was added at some point in time.

The value quilted is also special in the <=v3.8 code in having a default 
frequency setting of 0.0. You will still see the value and floor flip:

if(value < 0.0)
     value -= floor(value);

in the wave shaping code.

For one this means you cannot plot unmodified pattern code output with:

#declare Q = function {pigment {quilted control0 c0 control1 CN[c1]}}


#declare Q = function {pattern {...}


#declare Q = function {pigment_pattern {...}

though for quilted the result is closer than most due the default 
freq==0. The pigment_pattern version is also more complicated because 
many patterns have default color maps and that versions uses a 
conversion to grey scale to come up with the function 'value.' Always 
use an explicit 0-1 color map with mainstream POV-Ray if you want 0-1 

The povr branch has eliminated all non block pattern default color maps 
- so coding function { pigment_pattern { whatever-not_block-type}} is 
safe - you get 0-1 as the default color map.

Povr also has an explicit raw_wave keyword which lets you see and plot 
the full pattern return values(1) directly.

(1) - Some pattern code - and the function {} pattern path had it's own 
varied clamping which has also been removed in povr where it made sense 
to remove it. With tiling patterns the tiling clamping is still there 
for example.

SO! Point is, avoid making conclusions about internal code behavior with 
<=v3.8 pattern / pigment plotting code - unless you REALLY understand it 
and keep it all in mind. It's a tangle.

The pondering part. I wonder if changes over time in this tangle of 
pattern treatments led to those c0, c1 plots somehow. Perhaps at some 
point they did reflect the pattern value version.

I can look over your QT, QB -> Q version as part of the quilted mix if 
you want to send them along. The original version of the quilt_cubic had 
N0, N1 parameters which basically let one specify the Y values at x=0 
and x=1.0. I've extended that in an inbuilt playpen function to allow me 
to set the x values to other than 0 or 1. After which it starts to look
more like a bezier segment result where only the y control values can be 
set and the x control postions are fixed. See attached image. Off to see 
if I can find my old bezier segment code.

Bill P.

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