POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Object clipping issue : Object clipping issue Server Time
24 May 2024 10:56:26 EDT (-0400)
  Object clipping issue  
From: Mike Horvath
Date: 18 Feb 2019 07:53:48
Message: <5c6aaadc@news.povray.org>
I am having issues in the following code. The cylinder segment boxes 
appear to be clipped and hollow, but I'm not actually using `clipped_by` 
anywhere. Does anyone have a clue what is happening? Thanks.


#declare Muns_cen_table = array[11][6]
//   h  V   C        R        G        B
{    0, 0,  0,   0/255,   0/255,   0/255},
{    0, 1,  0,  28/255,  28/255,  28/255},
{    0, 2,  0,  48/255,  48/255,  48/255},
{    0, 3,  0,  70/255,  70/255,  70/255},
{    0, 4,  0,  97/255,  97/255,  97/255},
{    0, 5,  0, 124/255, 124/255, 124/255},
{    0, 6,  0, 150/255, 150/255, 150/255},
{    0, 7,  0, 179/255, 179/255, 179/255},
{    0, 8,  0, 203/255, 203/255, 203/255},
{    0, 9,  0, 232/255, 232/255, 232/255},
{    0, 10, 0, 255/255, 255/255, 255/255}


#macro SetClock(StartTime, EndTime)
     #local R = (clock - StartTime)/(EndTime - StartTime);
     #local S = min(max(0, R), 1);

#declare Muns_slice_angle	= 360/40;
#declare Muns_gap_width		= 1/40;		// this is actually 1/2 the true gap
#declare Muns_cam_view		= 3;		// 0 = isometric; 1 = overhead; 2 = front 
or side; 3 = custom
#declare Muns_hue_adjust	= Muns_slice_angle * 4;
#declare Muns_time_spin		= SetClock(0/3, 1/3);
#declare Muns_time_wipe		= SetClock(1/3, 2/3);
#declare Muns_time_tilt		= SetClock(2/3, 3/3);
#declare Muns_color_clamp	= 0.9;

//--------------------------------------------------------------CSG objects

#local Muns_coo_count = 0;
#local Muns_coo_max = 11;
#while (Muns_coo_count < Muns_coo_max)
   #local Muns_param_h = Muns_cen_table[Muns_coo_count][0] * 360/100;
   #local Muns_param_V = Muns_cen_table[Muns_coo_count][1] - 5;
   #local Muns_param_C = Muns_cen_table[Muns_coo_count][2]/2;
   #local Muns_param_r = Muns_cen_table[Muns_coo_count][3];
   #local Muns_param_g = Muns_cen_table[Muns_coo_count][4];
   #local Muns_param_b = Muns_cen_table[Muns_coo_count][5];
   #local Muns_coo_RGB = <Muns_param_r,Muns_param_g,Muns_param_b> * 
	  -y * (1/2 - Muns_gap_width),
	  +y * (1/2 - Muns_gap_width),
	  1/2 - Muns_gap_width
	  translate  +y * Muns_param_V
	  rotate    +y * Muns_param_h
	  plane {+x, 0}
	  plane {-x, 0 rotate +y * Muns_time_wipe * 180}
	  rotate    -y * Muns_hue_adjust
	pigment {color srgb Muns_coo_RGB}
	finish {emission 0.3 diffuse 1}
   #local Muns_coo_count = Muns_coo_count + 1;

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