On 05/08/2012 2:12 PM, Christian Froeschlin wrote:
> actually this sounds like TC-RTC is quite dependent on the time and
> interest of a single person. After the fate that befell IRTC (twice...)
> this might be an issue of concern for people considering to join in.
You are quite right Christian,
To give some history, after the IRTC was down for about a year. Steve
Paget (you may remember St) decided to give something back to the
community. He contacted a web developer in his town and commissioned
TC-RTC. So the web site is owned by Colin and we only use it. When Steve
died a couple of years ago I contacted Colin and said that I would be
willing to keep it running and Thomas de Groot kindly agreed to assist
in the running of the site. (I say assist but Thomas does all the work.)
faded Colin has lost some of his enthusiasm for maintaining it.
We have not bothered him too much with change requests. Partly because
he does not give it a high priority (that means that he does not answer
emails) and partly because the costs are minimal so you get what you pay
for. We are a small group and most of us know the limitations and just
live with it.
So that is it in a nutshell. If you can think of a practical solution we
would be pleased to hear it.
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