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  Re: PIPA and SOPA  
From: Patrick Elliott
Date: 25 Jan 2012 18:55:53
Message: <4f209689$1@news.povray.org>
On 1/25/2012 2:57 AM, Invisible wrote:
> On 24/01/2012 10:44 PM, Patrick Elliott wrote:
>> But yeah, lot of idiots claiming this is the worst president we ever
>> had, and a lot legitimate complaints about him, but he managed in a few
>> months what Bush and Co. couldn't do in a decade, along with a fair long
>> list of other things, none of which would have happened with one of the
>> idiots calling him "the worst" in office instead.
> I've noticed that some people regard Obama was the Messiah, the most
> wonderful thing ever to happen in American history. And others regard
> him as pure, liquid evil. Clearly these two viewpoints cannot both be
> correct. Having no clue what Obama has actually done, I have no idea
> which one to believe.
The right claims that there are people on the left that think he is like 
a messiah. The left, exaggerates, but only slightly, the behavior of the 
right, which has literally called him everything from a socialist, to 
the anti-christ, to merely, "The worst president ever".

>> Could have been better, but hell.. what can you do when you couldn't
>> probably even pass a law saying, "The sky is blue", without having the
>> less insane Republicans first agree with it, then tack on 50 idiot
>> things that undermine civil liberties, or mandate insane shit, at the
>> behest of the Tea Party, then claim, due to pressure from the same Tea
>> Party crazies that they disagree with it, then finally come out
>> insisting they never thought it was blue in the first place (because
>> they might lose their job, if they went against the crazies now running
>> the Republicans), and all, at least in part, because they want to, "make
>> Obama a one term president".
> ...OK, you *do* sound like you're constantly angry.
> Also: WTF is this "tea party" I keep hearing about?
Complicated... But, in simple terms, early on in the economic problems 
there was a semi-grass roots group that started, calling themselves the 
"Tea Party", named after the old "Boston Tea Party" in American history. 
Certain groups in the right wing noted it, and decided to create a 
special bus tour, called the Tea Party Express, which went around and 
hijacked the original intent of the movie, spreading a mixed message of, 
"Yeah, we believe in the stuff you do, but also.. {big government 
rhetoric, anti-liberal rhetoric, pro-evangelical rhetoric, etc., etc.}"

They basically took what might have been an early version of Occupy Wall 
Street, and used a lot of rhetoric to distort the facts, including flat 
out making them up, so that, by the time election time came along, it 
was 100% republicans that got elected from this "movement". Those that 
did then went on to do things like:

1. Pass anti-union laws.
2. Pass laws to mangle local voting systems, often, in some cases, 
passing one in state A, which made all votes count, so that the 
*majority* conservative electorate would be a majority, and passing on 
in B, where the existing "everyone's vote counts", was replaced with one 
based on "region", because the majority of regions where conservative, 
but the actual electorate was *slightly* more liberal. Uh, basically, 
lets say you have three districts in both A and B state. In A, 80% of 
the voters are conservative, but most of them live in one place, so the 
votes would end up being 1 Conservative region:2 Liberal regions., 
while, in B, the "regional" was 2 Conservative:1 Liberal, but 70% of the 
"voters" where all liberal. One law changed to prevent the liberal 
"regions" winning, against the majority, the other changed, to make sure 
the majority vote didn't count, only the regional distribution of them.
3. Pass laws to make more states "right to work", which basically 
defangs unions, without eliminating them entirely.
4. Created special rules, by which, in at least one state, every 
*elected* official can be arbitrarily fired, as an *emergency measure*, 
effectively side stepping the right of the public to determine who runs 
the government, and a *appointed* dictator put in place, instead, who 
can also fire anyone he likes, move money around any way they like, and 
undermine any part of the city government they feel they need to, 
including schools, if they *think* its somehow going to fix the cities 
finances. The one city this started in, now has massive new problems, 
and is *still* not operating on a balanced budget.

And, finally, 5. Pretty much every single one of them, in Washington DC, 
has stated that a) they will not do one thing that helps Obama, b) don't 
want him to have a second term, c) have even gone so far as to say it 
should be their #1 priority to stop that, and d) have the moderate 
Republicans conned into thinking these evangelical, anti-gay, anti-roe 
vs. wade, anti-poor, pro-rich people, anti-health care, anti-social 
safety net, pro-war, pro-oil, anti-AGW, "Tea Party" people, who got 
themselves elected in one of the biggest small government, pro-people, 
con jobs in American history, are powerful enough they can't apposed 
them, and scared shitless about it.

>> We are dealing with some true nuts right now, like the one Senator that
>> has just proposed a bill banning the use of fetuses in human food, on
>> the theory that this is the **only** possible thing that someone might
>> use "recombinant methods" to do, in food manufacturing... WTF?
> ...the HELL?! o_O

Yeah, and, that is only the top of the list of stupid. Most are also 
pro-Abstinence. They literally deny the very fact that it is an abject 
failure, and that *no* evidence exists to suggest it works, for anyone, 
including in the places the themselves implemented it. Many of them have 
attempted to put in legislation to either distort, sideline, or replace 
Evolution, with Intelligent Design, or Creationism. They managed to, 
recently, have one of their cronies get arrested for *real* voter fraud, 
while trying to prove non-existent fraud. The same morons that where 
responsible for destroying a company called Acorn, which a) was 
eventually found to have a few irregularities, of the same time found in 
many other companies, including some still existing banks, but which 
where, after the company was bankrupted, and gone for good, acquitted of 
any of the crimes the two, now voter fraud suspects, had originally 
accused them of. It should be noted that, despite the fact that Acorn is 
4 year old news, some of the "Tea Party" nuts that conned the public 
into electing them are *claiming* that Obama somehow "protected" the 
company, and its secretly working under another name, to fund is 
reelection campaign...

Real conspiracy vs. complete bullshit, and some people are willing to 
back the real criminals, because they are *sure* Obama is secretly being 
funded by unknown entities, connected with a defunct company, who 
offered financial advice to poor people, when they where still 
operating. Huh?

Oh, right, and then there is, "Citizens United", a idiot ruling from the 
conservative appointed, conservative Supreme court, which is being used 
to field multimillion dollar attack ads, using secret, undisclosed, 
money, from who the hell knows, but likely multimillionaire business 
men, and then flunkies (since there is no way to get that much out of 
the public). And, in some cases, the means by which the money is 
shuffled around, makes it impossible to tell if the person being elected 
is being "supported" by attack ads, put out by groups, who are secretly 
funded, by companies, that those officials have connections to, or stock 
in. So, as long as, say Romney doesn't directly tell some group called 
"Romney PAC" what to put in the ads, they an get millions from some 
company Romney owns stock in, or who like him, because of what he will 
do for them, once elected, to run them, and say anything they like in it.

Steven Colbert and one of the other comedians from Comedy Central have 
been running a gag for a while now, generating ads "for" Colbert, 
through such a PAC, without "coordinating" their messages, with unknown 
funding sources, for weeks now, to highlight the idiocy of the whole 
thing. lol

Yeah, all you need to know about "Tea Party", is that its the extreme 
end of the conservative spectrum in the US, has the moderate 
conservatives backed into a corner, at the moment, and they lied their 
way into office, on the premise of supporting effective government, when 
in reality it was all about rich people getting perks, the poor shafted, 
and a shift from legislating things like environment, or health care, to 
"moral issues", like abortion, and gay marriage. (the two things they 
tried passing bills on, over and over, for the first nearly one year, 
after elected, after being elected on a platform or "job creation").

Its kind of hard not to seem a bit... pissed, at these obstructive 
assholes, or the way the rest of the Republicans have been bowing and 
scraping to them, not to mention how fast *ever* current Republican 
presidential candidate has made a run for the bottom, to support the 
same idiocy, knowing that its these nut cases that will be deciding, 
through bullshit and unbridled funding for campaign commercials, not the 
public (who already proved they can be conned), which one of them gets 
to try to take out Obama in the election.

They may find that the public isn't quite that stupid though, when it 
comes to actually voting, I hope...

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