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  The mysteries of Erlang  
From: Invisible
Date: 9 Mar 2011 06:05:36
Message: <4d775f00$1@news.povray.org>
OK, so Erlang is something of an interesting case. There are several 
reasons for this:

- There are many functional programming languages. (Haskell, OCaml, 
Clean, and for some reason people keep calling Lisp "functional" too.) 
However, Erlang is *the only* one that could be considered "commercially 
successful", as far as I can tell.

- Other languages attempt to be *concurrent*, but only Erlang is 

- The system is supposedly insanely reliable. People toss around "nine 
9s up-time" as if this is some sort of experimentally verified *fact*.

- The language claims to do all sorts of wacky, far-out stuff like 
trivial concurrency and distribution, hot-swapping running code, 
detecting and correcting run-time errors, and so forth. I want to see 
how it's done.

I had a look at Erlang.org, but it's difficult to find anything that 
really explains the interesting parts of the system. I can find plenty 
of "Hello World" programs, and "this is how you run stuff remotely", but 
nothing about "this is why we did it this way", or "this is how it 
works" or "this is how to use it to build non-trivial applications".

Suffice it to say, from what little I could discover, I didn't like what 
I was seeing. Like most commercially successful languages, Erlang is 
obtuse, complex, ugly and kludgy. Much like C, Java or anything else 
wildly popular. It's abundantly clear that Erlang is about as 
"functional" as Lisp (i.e., not at all). Still, people claim that 
Ericsson's entire business is based on it, and lots of people are using 
it, so it must have got *something* right.

Eventually I discovered a file entitled Armstrong_theses_2003.pdf So I 
spent the last two days reading this 300-page tome in the hope of 

Predictably, the author spends most of that page count either repeating 
himself, or telling me in minute detail about things which are of 
utterly no interest to me. However, I did learn some interesting things.

In a way, Erlang is a bit like Haskell: Fundamentally, it does something 
extremely inefficient. And yet it seems to work just fine.
In Haskell's case, it's not allowing you to modify things in-place 
(except under very controlled conditions). In Erlang's case, it's 
refusing to allow processes to share state. This immediately implies 
that if you want to send data from place to place, you must copy it all. 
It's rather like Haskell's restriction, only much worse.

Then again, if one process is operating on a completely different node, 
you are *forced* to copy data from place to place anyway. It is 
unavoidable. So in a way, forcing you to do it all the time just makes 
it that little bit simpler to move from local to distributed coding.

One thing that rapidly becomes clear (and doesn't seem to be mentioned 
anywhere else) is that for Erlang, processes are about more than just 
concurrency or distribution. They are about fault isolation. A 
fundamental design assumption of the Erlang system is that stuff /will/ 
break, and /when/ it does, we want to maximally limit the damage. Part 
of the philosophy is that if one process dies, it shouldn't hurt anybody 

Whereas in some other system you might structure things as separate 
processes for increased performance or because it's more logical to 
program it that way, in Erlang you might do this for no other reason 
than the fact that one task can sensibly continue if the other fails. 
You might use processes purely for error-handling reasons.

Another thing that becomes painfully obvious is that writing your 
program in Erlang does not somehow magically make it reliable. The 
language doesn't implement any kind of automatic error recovery system, 
as you might be mislead to believe. Instead, Erlang provides more or 
less the same kinds of error handling that any other language provides - 
catch/throw, etc. You can nest exception handlers, re-throw or modify 
exceptions, generate synthetic exceptions, and so on. And, as usual, any 
uncaught exceptions at the "top level" just make the process die.

The difference is what happens when a process dies. Rather than just 
dying, this situation is *detected*, and you can *react* to this. You 
can make it so that related processes get auto-killed as well 
(presumably because they can't sensibly complete without the dead 
process), or you can make it send a notification to some monitor 
process. The *language* itself allows notifications to be sent, but 
nothing more. The *libraries* allow you to do sophisticated error 
recovery, but *you* have to implement this. It doesn't happen by magic, 
as many seem to suggest.

Very importantly, the system correctly handles things other than 
software exceptions. Detecting division by zero is one thing. Detecting 
that the machine in Australia that you were talking to just got hit by a 
small pyroclastic flow is another. Obviously, no documentation actually 
describes how this works.

So how does Erlang actually work then? I mean, you can create processes. 
OK, then what? Well, as best as I can determine, each process has a 
"mailbox", and you can send asynchronous messages to any process that 
you have the address of. (And these messages can contain process 
addresses.) This works the same way both locally and remotely.

Sending is a non-blocking operation. Receiving is a blocking operation, 
and it makes use of Haskell-style pattern matching (which seems like a 
rather neat fit here). You can also time out waiting for a message - 
something which would be really hard to implement yourself, and which is 
probably extremely important in networking code.

Message sending has the curious property that message delivery is /not/ 
guaranteed, but message ordering /is/ guaranteed. Like, WTF? I'm not 
even sure how it's possible to tell that the messages are in order 
without being able to tell if you got all of them, but whatever. Seems 
very, very random to me. The thesis claims that implementing delivery 
checks yourself is easy, but implementing ordering checks is very hard. 
So they put the hard thing into the language, and left the easy thing up 
to you if you need it. Um, OK?

One of the very trippy things about Erlang is that I can be sitting on 
my PC in England, and I can just tell some Solaris server in Brazil to 
spawn a new process. As expected, no word on how the hell this actually 
works. I would have *thought* this means that the necessary code gets 
beamed over the wire, but some documentation seems to suggest that you 
have to install it yourself. And yet, you can apparently send arbitrary 
functions as messages, so...?

There's also no word on authentication. I mean, how does the machine on 
Brazil know that I'm authorised to be executing arbitrary code on it? My 
best guess is that if you're a telecoms giant, you have a private data 
network that nobody else can physically access, and you use that to 
control your equipment. In other words, you're authorised if you can 
actually access the system in the first place.

It's a similar story when we come to code hot-swapping. Surprise, 
surprise, it turns out that you can't just magically hot-swap code, just 
because it's written in Erlang. No, you have to do *actual work* to make 
this possible.

The language itself allows two (and only two) copies of the same code to 
be loaded at once, an "old" version and a "new" version. And it provides 
a way to switch from one to the other for a specific process. And that's 
*all* it gives you. Everything else has to be done, by hand, by you.

That means that you have to design your application so that there's some 
sort of signal that you can send it which will make it switch to the new 
version. So that takes care of your code, but what about your data? 
Well, presumably your new code might have new data layouts or other 
invariants, so you probably want to run some conversion function to port 
the running environment to your new code.

In short, _you_ have to figure out how your new code is different from 
your old code, _you_ have to write the code that converts any data 
structures or establishes any new invariants, _you_ have to check that 
this new code actually works properly, and _you_ have to design your 
application in the first place so that you can tell it to switch to the 
new code, running the conversion routine in the process.

And if you want to downgrade back to the old version? _You_ have to do 
all the work for that too. Really, the only help that Erlang is giving 
you is the ability to easily change from one chunk of code to another. 
You could probably do the self-same thing in Java, if you built your 
application so that every class has a version number, and there's some 
way to tell the application to load a set of new class files and execute 
a predetermined method on one of them. (I suspect Java's inflexibly type 
system would probably whine though...)

Erlang really gives you no assistance at all beyond the minimal level of 
"you can have two modules with the same name". And it's limited to just 
two, by the way. If you try to load a third version, anything running 
the first version is unceremoniously killed. And there's no mention of 
any way to detect whether old code is still running. (Perhaps there is, 
but I didn't see it mentioned.)

There was some talk of a packaging system, which sounds quite 
interesting, but obviously no details are described. It talks about 
being able to group modules into applications, and group applications 
into releases which can have complex dependencies, build procedures and 
installation processes. But... no details. So maybe it does 
configuration management for you, or maybe it does very little to assist 
you. I couldn't say.

The language itself has a few interesting features. Of course, being 
designed as something easily parsable by Prolog, the syntax is utterly 
horrid, it uses a kludgy preprocessor rather than actually supporting 
named constants, and so forth. It's also dynamically typed, which some 
people are presumably going to argue is somehow "necessary" because of 
what it does. I can't help thinking that a powerful type system would 
have made it /so much easier/ to make sure you got everything straight.

Just reading the document, I saw endless examples of data structures 
who's meaning is ambiguous due to the lack of types. For example, it is 
apparently impossible to tell the difference between a process that died 
because of an exception, and a process which merely sent you a message 
that happens to be a tuple containing the word "EXIT". The advice for 
this presumably being "don't do that".

It's slightly bizarre. Erlang looks for all the world like a crude 
scripting language with no safety at all and abysmal run-time 
performance. And yet, the language is designed for running network 
switches, possibly the most demanding high-performance hard-realtime 
system imaginable, and people claim it has nine 9s up-time. The only 
container types are linked lists and tuples, and yet the standard 
libraries somehow include cryptography and complex network protocols. 
Very odd...

So anyway, in spite of all the obvious bad things, there /are/ a few 
interesting bits. You get Haskell-style pattern matching, but with a 
twist. In Haskell, patterns are required to be "linear". (Don't you just 
love how that single word is used to mean a million different unrelated 

In Haskell, a variable is not allowed to appear twice in the same 
pattern. If you want to things to be equal, you must bind them to two 
different variables and then use a guard to check their equality. But 
Erlang has no such limitation. It /automatically/ desugars a non-linear 
pattern into a linear one with a guard. So there!

Erlang uses the rather baffling convention that mere variables start 
with an upper-case letter, while proper nouns such as function names or 
data points start with a lower-case letter. This makes it surprisingly 
hard to read Erlang code. (Haskell, not to mention English, obviously 
uses the opposite convention.)

I already mentioned that message receipt is by pattern matching. This 
seems like a rather powerful way to work, especially considering that a 
message that fails all patterns stays queued in the mailbox. So you can 
actually use patterns to decide what order you want to process incoming 
messages in. That seems quite sophisticated. And I already mentioned how 
you can add a time-out as well, which is obviously a very frequent 
requirement for hard-realtime systems.

In Haskell, general practise is to make all functions "total". In 
particular, all pattern matching should cover every case if possible. By 
contrast, apparently the general practise with Erlang is to /not/ cover 
cases which aren't expected to occur, and just let the thing throw an 
exception on a pattern-match failure. The rationale apparently being 
that the automatically-generated exception string is just as descriptive 
as anything that you could write by hand yourself, and it makes the code 
less cluttered.

Certainly some people have a tendency to make their functions try to 
return a valid result no matter how silly the inputs are. This is almost 
certainly not the way to write reliable software. Myself I've always 
thought that "***exception: Data.Map.lookup: key not found" is far more 
informative than "***exception: Data/Map.hs, lines 12312-12315: 
non-exhaustive patterns in case expression". In the first case, it's 
instantly obvious what the problem is, and that the bug is likely to be 
in the caller. In the second case... uh...?

Still, either way, if a key being missing is something that you're 
anticipating, you can and should handle the exception in the caller (and 
it won't matter what the text of the exception actually is). And if it's 
a high-availability system, if the exception /is/ uncaught, you have a 
program bug, and you probably want to log huge volumes of data about it, 
/and then/ restart the thing ASAP before somebody notices it went wrong!

I read the part about "behaviours" and face-palmed. The idea is that the 
standard library contains skeletons for things like "a server", and you 
supply the body code that makes it "a name server" or "a unique ID 
server" or whatever. Get this:

- The body code has to go in its own special module.

- The module has to export a specific set of functions with specific 
names and specific numbers and types of arguments returning a specific 
data structure as the result. (If only Erlang had type signatures, eh?)

- The skeleton passes an opaque "state" object between these functions, 
which the functions can update.

What does that sound like to you? Yes, congratulations, you've just 
invented object-oriented programming. But without dynamic binding or 
inheritance. (Or static typing, for that matter.) A "module which 
exports a special set of functions" is basically a *class*, and this 
"threading opaque state from function to function" is basically a 
stateful object.

Of course, modules don't have inheritance. That means that you can't use 
an abstract class to define what methods a class is supposed to have. It 
means you can't write a half-implemented class that other concrete 
classes can inherit from. But it also means that you don't have to worry 
about the nightmare of multiple inheritance either.

And there's another little twist: /Objects/ have state. But /functions/ 
passing around a mostly /immutable/ state gives the system a somewhat 
functional flavour. Indeed, in one of the example programs, a function 
receives some data, starts processing it, but if a certain condition 
happens, it /reverts to the old state/ rather than keeping the new one. 
This is jaw-droppingly hard to do if you use real objects with real 
mutable state. But in a semi-functional approach, it's quite trivial.

This whole "module with special functions" monstrosity is all the more 
weird because Erlang also has

1. first-class function names

2. lambda functions

Um, like, WTF? Why does the code have to go in its own module? Why can't 
I just pass you a tuple of function names, or even lambda functions, 
that define the callbacks? Hello??

One really neat feature of the language, which I didn't look into *too* 
deeply, is the binary operators. Given that IP datagrams and so forth 
are complicated assemblages of binary data fields with different 
alignments and so forth, packing and unpacking binary data is kind of 
crucial in networking code. Accordingly, Erlang not only allows you to 
write binary literals, but to /pattern match/ on them. Eat that!

I didn't look at it too closely, but it looks quite neat. You write an 
integer (or variable) followed by the number of bits. If you're packing, 
the requested data gets put into the appropriate places. If you're 
pattern matching, an integer obviously matches against that integer, 
while a variable causes that many bits to be copied into the variable. 
(I'm fuzzy on whether it becomes an integer or stays a binary...)

Not sure what happens if you need to write bytes backwards, as some 
broken protocols and file formats require. Is there a directive for 
that? Or do you have to do it by hand?

Many things about Erlang still remain unexplained. I still have 
absolutely no clue WTF an "atom" is. Nor have I discovered what this 
"OTP" thing that gets mentioned every 3 sentences is. I have utterly no 
idea how the "registered process names" thing works. Erlang is supposed 
to be for very high-performance systems, and yet to send any data from 
one process to another you have to /copy/ it. It seems like that can't 
possibly scale, but somehow it does. Apparently there's a distributed 
database system written in Erlang, but I didn't find any mention of 
that. And so on...

Still, I only have 1 PC, so what do I need distributed programming for? ;-)

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