POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Rainbow++ : Re: Rainbow++ Server Time
5 Nov 2024 03:15:43 EST (-0500)
  Re: Rainbow++  
From: clipka
Date: 9 Nov 2009 20:19:07
Message: <4af8bf8b$1@news.povray.org>
Christian Froeschlin schrieb:

> Which part of the documentation? I must say I didn't quite understand
> how the amount of photons is determined. From the algorithm I thought it
> should mostly depend on the target object. As far as I understand, an
> object with pass_through should not affect photons before they hit the
> target object. And those photons which get refracted on the glass so
> much they actually return to the window shouldn't affect caustics
> on the floor either way.

Well, that's not the /exact/ truth, as far as I understand the source 
code. Instead, pass_through prevents an object from /totally/ blocking 
photons before they hit their target (which would otherwise be the 
case); however, other effects - such as refraction - still seem to be 

> The actual difference in intensity seems to be about 5 levels of 255.
> The attached render has radiosity disabled so the contrast is better.
> You can also see the line is actually composed of a very few splotchy
> photons. Probably some off photons coming exactly off the rounded
> edge of the glass or something like that.

You might try placing the glass half inside the wall, so that you get a 
"cross-cut" of the photons path on the wall, to find out where that 
stripe actually comes from... if you can decipher what I mean.

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