POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Why you may want gamma-correction : Why is gamma-correction applied in povray, anyway? Server Time
5 Nov 2024 03:19:21 EST (-0500)
  Why is gamma-correction applied in povray, anyway?  
From: TC
Date: 5 Nov 2009 04:34:30
Message: <4af29c26$1@news.povray.org>
Why is gamma-correction correction applied to images in povray, anyway? And 
in 3.7 by default?

As I understand it, gamma correction is correction that has to be applied to 
make pictures look like they "should" - to correct luminance.

However, in order to get the appearance right, you have to gamma-correct 
your monitor and printer, too. So, if we apply gamma-correction in povray, 
we still need additional correction on printer and monitor. So why have a 
correction in povray in the first place, if it is not really neccessary. We 
still need to correct gamma later. Besides, what does look "right" is a very 
subjective matter - it even changes with age.

Is the "raw" povray output correct (in the sense of: does the output follow 
the laws of physics), or isn't it?

Does it >have< to be corrected?

Or, better put, is the left or right side of your image "correct"?

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