POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Assumed_gamma, too bright and washed out : Re: Assumed_gamma, too bright and washed out Server Time
5 Nov 2024 05:20:15 EST (-0500)
  Re: Assumed_gamma, too bright and washed out  
From: SharkD
Date: 7 Sep 2009 21:46:52
Message: <4aa5b78c$1@news.povray.org>
Here is the media for the cloud sphere, which is the inner of the two 
volumes. What I need is to be able to "clip" the media to "InnerRadius" 
and "OuterRadius" so that I can then simply copy/move the media to the 
larger atmosphere sphere.



	#local InnerRadius = EarthRadius + CloudMinRad;
	#local OuterRadius = InnerRadius + CloudMaxRad;
	#local BoundRadius = sin(acos(EarthRadius/OuterRadius)) * OuterRadius;
	#local ScaleAmount = Width/2;
//	#local testpattern = function {mod(sqrt(Sqr(X) + Sqr(Y) + Sqr(Z)), 1.0)}
	#local CloudPigment = pigment
			[2 onion	scale CloudMaxRad/ScaleAmount	phase 
			[2 granite	scale 1024 * 32/ScaleAmount]
	#local CloudMedia = media
		scattering	{1, 0.5 * 1/ScaleAmount / 320}
		method		3
		intervals	1
//		samples		30	//30, 100
		samples		4
			pigment_pattern {CloudPigment}
			density_map {[0.60 rgb 0][0.61 rgb 1]}
	#local CloudSphere = difference
		sphere {0, OuterRadius}
		sphere {0, InnerRadius}
		bounded_by {cylinder {<0,EarthRadius,0,>, <0,OuterRadius,0,>, 
			texture {pigment {rgbt 1}}
				media {CloudMedia}
			scale ScaleAmount
		translate -y * EarthRadius


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