Hi everyone,
Now that we have backside illumination in 3.7, I thought I would try to
combine subsurface scattering and radiosity with it.
I used two objects to get the SSS effect. One object is inside the
other, scaled along the normals so that it fits neatly inside. The
outside object uses unrealistic diffuse n,n values. The inside object is
just a container for media.
The backside illumination takes media (and also the
fade_power/fade_distance/fade_color interior attributes, not used here)
into account, so what we have is an opaque, paper-like shell filled with
a light-attenuating medium to keep the rays from going too far.
If POV could have an object look at its own interior media (and
fade_power stuff), two objects would not be needed for this effect.
Here is a quick look at the objects and materials:
pigment{rgb 1 transmit 0}
finish{diffuse .25,.75}
pigment{rgbt 1}
Notice in the image how shadows cast from the POV logo do not make much
of a difference in the SSS effect. The is the main reason I consider
this only a partial success.
Perhaps this technique could shed some light on how radiosity and
subsurface scattering may someday be joined happily? Perhaps also
somebody can trick POV into allowing an object to recognize its own
interior media and fade_stuff as far as backside illumination goes? That
would be cool :D
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