I've gotten to play with my sand with subsurface scattering again. I'm
using f_ridged_mf() in an isosurface to generate geometry. (I'm hoping
to be able to transition to a height field for performance.)
It took a bit of abuse to get SSS working with radiosity. First, I had
to make the outer surface at least partly opaque to give radiosity
something to act on. On top of that, it appears that large, transparent
objects with ior >1 cause odd artifacts with low-quality radiosity.
I had to use the following settings to be able to render without bright
spots of light showing up:
radiosity {
pretrace_start 0.08
pretrace_end 0.01
count 500
nearest_count 10
error_bound 0.02
recursion_limit 1
low_error_factor 0.2
gray_threshold 0.0
minimum_reuse 0.015
brightness 1
adc_bailout 0.01/2
I'm sure they could be tweaked significantly.
Test render and output are attached.
William Tracy
afi### [at] gmailcom
Today's random quote is:
I was concerned that my comics weren't nerdy enough.
-- Shaenon K. Garrity
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