POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : First POVray project . : Re: First POVray project . Server Time
5 Nov 2024 09:23:19 EST (-0500)
  Re: First POVray project .  
From: Alain
Date: 14 Jul 2009 23:37:31
Message: <4a5d4efb$1@news.povray.org>

> Hello, I'm a high school student taking a three-week course on POVray
> programming this summer at City College in NYC. my first project was to create
> an image of an office with four tables and various objects on the tables using
> commands such as prism, lathe, sor and sphere_sweep. It is attached to this
> post. I was just wondering If i could get some feedback on my first POVray
> creation. It's a messy office with books strewn all over the table (I wanted to
> practice my translating and rotating skills) and a cool blue glass vase.
> also, how would I make the chair's seat more rounded and comfortable-looking.
> i.e. how to make boxes more rounded at the edges, not pointy.
> also, how would one go about making more realistic books? perhaps I could import
> images for use as textures to put covers on the books. how do you do this?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Over all, an impressive model for a begginner.

Some changes that I'd make and suggest to you:

Make your room out of several box, one for the floor, une for the 
ceiling and one for each walls. Add the texture to each one separately.

Your book will look more convincing if made of 2 thin boxes for the 
covers and another for the pages. A gradient pattern scaled small could 
effectively simulate the pages edges.
Adding some text to the books will be an improvement. Look at the text 
object and object pattern.

I'd tend to scale the wood textures down. The provided woot textures and 
pigments normaly need some scaling that depends on the scene.

You got meny usefull propositions from other posters and I agree with 
them. I propose you some alternate options.

A small critic: the table with the monitor looks to low, been at about 
the same hight at the chair.


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