Le 15.01.2009 22:48, milco2006 nous fit lire :
> Here is a crazy superellipsoid shape which fits the bill of 7*pi/3.
Can you explain a bit how, I fail to understand it's construction.
Is there some ratio from green to blue/red ?
> Although I
> do have a mathematical formula which gives an exact multiple it is very nasty
> so I am not sure if this counts under your brief for the shape.
I have nothing against a superellipsoid, as long as you provide its
parameters (and hopefully they are some kind of 'nice', even a cubic
root of a fraction might match), and by the same way demonstrate that
the volume is exactly and mathematicaly 7pi/3.
(and not an approximate value close enough)
Which seems a bit complex to perform, given that the sole formula of
volume that I found on mathworld for the superellipsoid is based on the
Gamma function, which is far from simplying to 7pi/3 at some stage.
(Just prove me wrong... I have no doubt that one superellipsoid, or even
a whole family of them, can have the right volume... but the real answer
need to identify which ones!)
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