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  Re: So, what's Gordon Freeman thinking?  
From: Invisible
Date: 5 Jan 2009 05:23:27
Message: <4961df9f$1@news.povray.org>
>> Or the generator suspended over an infinite pit, with no ladders or 
>> railing of any kind. It can only be switched on by climbing up a 
>> treacherously narrow metal pole, flicking two switches, and then 
>> climbing down before the whole contraption becomes electrofied. It is, 
>> one presumes, *impossible* to turn it off again.
> One would hope that's merely controls that have been destroyed earlier.

Yeah, one would *hope*! ;-) But why would you have a second set of 
controls somewhere so dangerous? Hmm...

>> Well... the alien monsters. How intelligent are they?
> Some claim the voragants (or whatever they're called) are smarter than 
> the rest of the invaders. Hard to say, for sure.

Indeed. But they appear to be the exception, as far as the aliens go.

>> I wouldn't have much trouble killing 3,000 grasshoppers if I wanted to. 
> Even if the grasshoppers are shooting back?

That's just it - the zombies don't. (Or at least, not until "the next 
stage of mutation", which seems to have mysteriously vanished in the 
later games... Hmm!)

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