POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Compiling stuff : Re: Compiling stuff Server Time
5 Nov 2024 07:16:27 EST (-0500)
  Re: Compiling stuff  
From: Eero Ahonen
Date: 9 Dec 2008 06:53:03
Message: <493e5c1f$1@news.povray.org>
Invisible wrote:
> Please tell me that isn't 2.6 GB just for the source code...

No, I won't.

> Are you *kidding* me?? 300 MB just for the source code?!

No and yes.

> Does it also make you coffee in the morning? :-P

No, at least not yet. I drink my morning coffee at work, so I have
coffee maker drivers disabled.

> In other words, the Linux "kernel" isn't just the kernel, it's also all
> the device drivers. No wonder it's so big.


And for someone else who wondered if no kernel modules are known, yes
they are, but before explaining that it's easier to explain the whole
thing in general.

> Erm, no... I think you'll find that the reason why gaming computers use
> Windows is that almost all games are written to run under Windows. :-P

Yes. And one reason *for that* is that porting games to Linux has been
freaking difficult, eg. since past years ATI and nVidia both on theier
turns have been missing GFX-drivers for Linux. They both have raised
theier heads recently, so there is a chance to see that scene raising
also. It'll still take at least a while, so don't hold your breath while

> I would suggest that DirectX is a way bigger reason than kernel support
> for particular bits of hardware.

There can't be anything like DirectX, if there's no support (drivers)
for the hardware.


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