POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : My first C++ program : Re: (And in Haskell. Obviously.) Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:04:02 EDT (-0400)
  Re: (And in Haskell. Obviously.)  
From: Darren New
Date: 21 Sep 2008 10:09:31
Message: <48d6559b$1@news.povray.org>
Orchid XP v8 wrote:
> Both C and C++ are positively *bursting* with features that are subtle, 
> counter-intuitive and cryptic.

No, actually, C is really, really straightforward. Almost moreso than 
assembler. It's not subtle and complex and cryptic. It's just difficult 
and tedious.

> This isn't exactly news. C++ at least 
> appears to be something of an improvement in this regard...

I, personally, think C++ has many features that seem subtle and 
counter-intuitive, as evidenced by the fact that it's really hard to 
explain how some of the features work and when they come into play. Most 
people seem to say "this is how you use them" without actually knowing 
why using them that way actually works.  (Granted, I don't have a whole 
lot of experience with C++, so I probably sound way off base to those 
who know C++ well.)

Darren New / San Diego, CA, USA (PST)

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