Nicolas Alvarez wrote:
> Doctor John escribió:
>> Chambers wrote:
>>> Yeah, I tried LFS a few years ago, but I'm really thinking I want a
>>> supported system with proper package updates & such.
>> Whatever works for you is fine by me as long as it's Linux ;-)
> Some people say:
> Whatever works for you is fine by me as long as it's not Windows.
Well, for almost everything it *will* work. There are just two problems...
1) iTunes. I can't get it to work in any version of Wine or Crossover.
Are there other media players that can interface to the iPod?
2) SimCity 4. My wife works hard, and doesn't play many games, so I
feel bad not supporting the few that she does. I'll probably have to
keep the Windows partition around just for this.
I'm considering contributing to Wine myself, but it's not like I've got
excess amounts of free time as it is.
Other than that, I've gotten Compiz to work (sweet!), and I've spent the
last few days getting used to things in Linux again. I've compiled POV,
but I haven't gotten around to the Beta yet.
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